The King of Bedside Manor

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Alpha Male

Here is something that I have always wondered about. I have a big problem, and have always had a problem I guess interacting with other Men in a friendship type situation. I don't entirely understand it. I sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with me that I just don't get how to be a typical male. I went out to lunch this week with some gents at work, and again the idea that I just don't get it was reinforced. I work with two guys who I guess you would definatly be able to classify as "aplha males." Both great guys, really fun to talk to and they always have great stories. I could listen to the talk for hours actually. Hearing tales from their military days or getting into fights is always very entertaining. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I had similar experiences in my life. (I then quickly remember that just about the last thing I would ever want to do is be in the army or get into a fight. I'm a wuss what can I say?)

The thing about these conversations that really make me uncomfortable is that eventually when ever you are involved in a conversation with an "Alpha Male" the conversation will eventually turn to women and sex. You know typical "locker room" conversations. Now, don't get me wrong. I like gals, and can definatly appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one. (Check out the picture of my beautiful wife on this page.) The trouble that I have and have always had is when it comes to talking further then "Hey, she's cute!" Now I don't think that I am necessarily uncomfortable with sex. I actually enjoy it quite a bit. I have a hard time though thinking about it in terms outside of a relationship. The times that I've had sex outside of a commited relationship has never been satisfying.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Me and My Bob-a-Lou Posted by Hello

First Post

Well, I've always thought that Mike garvey was the coolest guy on the planet and have spent so many years trying to "Be Like Mike" so now I am going to make my own Blogg too. I know, what a follower. You would think that a tech savy guy like myself would already be into this sort of Blogging and website creation and all sorts of things nerdy. Well I'm not, largly due to the fact that it takes away valuable game playing time. I am going to try and post to this site everyday as sort of an online journal so you will get to know me as I spin through my days. Well I've wasted enough time at work for today. Hasta la Tomorrow.