The King of Bedside Manor

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Alpha Male

Here is something that I have always wondered about. I have a big problem, and have always had a problem I guess interacting with other Men in a friendship type situation. I don't entirely understand it. I sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with me that I just don't get how to be a typical male. I went out to lunch this week with some gents at work, and again the idea that I just don't get it was reinforced. I work with two guys who I guess you would definatly be able to classify as "aplha males." Both great guys, really fun to talk to and they always have great stories. I could listen to the talk for hours actually. Hearing tales from their military days or getting into fights is always very entertaining. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I had similar experiences in my life. (I then quickly remember that just about the last thing I would ever want to do is be in the army or get into a fight. I'm a wuss what can I say?)

The thing about these conversations that really make me uncomfortable is that eventually when ever you are involved in a conversation with an "Alpha Male" the conversation will eventually turn to women and sex. You know typical "locker room" conversations. Now, don't get me wrong. I like gals, and can definatly appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one. (Check out the picture of my beautiful wife on this page.) The trouble that I have and have always had is when it comes to talking further then "Hey, she's cute!" Now I don't think that I am necessarily uncomfortable with sex. I actually enjoy it quite a bit. I have a hard time though thinking about it in terms outside of a relationship. The times that I've had sex outside of a commited relationship has never been satisfying.


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